Saturday, December 28, 2019

Thursday 12/12/19 - Prepare for SOAR League Meet 2 & 3

Date: Thursday, December 12th, 2019
Agenda: Prepare for the League Meet - Yes, we have no Autonomous!
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Mentor Chris, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Sean, Kairon, Connie, Mentor Aidan
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Everything and anything to get us ready for Meet #2 & #3!
Reflection: We feel like nothing is working right, so we are adjusting and testing everything and just hoping that we can drive and push blocks and get some points at the Meets. Aidan is helping to check connections and programming and advise us on any changes we can make to be ready. Hayden is trying to get some driver practice and learn to control the robot.

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