Saturday, December 28, 2019

Saturday 12/28/19 - More testing, problems and changes

Date: Saturday, December 28th, 2019
Agenda: More troubleshooting and problem solving
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Mentor Aidan, Hayden, Sean and Liam
Note Taker: Sean
Tasks: Correct our list of problems to get the robot running
Reflection: Sean created a smaller new phone holder tried to print it on the school Makerbot, but could not get the program working correctly. He will need to wait until Mrs Billings is back from break to help with the issue. He is also working on a new capstone design that can be grabbed by the arm more easily.
We made some modifications to the robot itself that needed to be done. We attached the new side wall which will allow us more space for the REV controllers and the switch. We took off the servo cords that we are not using any longer. We added silicon to the arm to grab blocks more efficiently. We tested driving and grabbing the blocks and it works. Then, we discussed a combination of the two arms. How can we use the original arm so that it swivels and allows us to stack with the stability of the second arm for grabbing and driving. We need to see if we can engineer it and test it.

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