Saturday, November 2, 2019

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

Date: Wednesday 10/30/19
Agenda: Build and prep for SOAR League Zero Meet!
In Attendance: Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Kairon, Connie, Coach Chad
Note Taker: Sean
Reflection: Sean and Kairon discussed Autonomous possibilities and are planning a minimum of 4 paths and more likely 8 path programs.
If you start in the Building Zone, the robot should move the foundation, cross to the Loading Zone through the neutral Skybridge to avoid collisions, scan for a Skystone, pick up the Skystone and deliver it to the foundation in the Building Zone by driving under the alliance Skybridge, and collect an additional Skystone if there is time, and then park over the midline tape.
If you start in the Loading Zone, the robot should scan for the Skystone and pick it up, cross under the alliance Skybridge and deliver it to the foundation, return thru the neutral bridge, collect another stone and deliver it to the foundation. Different paths to avoid collision is very important and so is being able to coordinate with your alliance. We are going to need to scout other team’s autonomous paths so that we can combine them well with ours.

Liam  worked more on perfecting the arm attachment with the new parts from ServoCity. We were hoping to have the arm tested and running for Zero Meet, but we ran out of time and with the  Halloween carnival tomorrow, we can’t add another meeting this week.

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