Saturday, November 9, 2019

Date: Saturday 11/9/19
Agenda: Fix Programming and Finish Build
In  Attendance: Coach Cynde, Coach Chad, Sean, Liam, Hayden, Connie, Tristan, Kairon and Programming Mentor Ben
Note Taker: Connie
Reflection: Because of the program problems we had Thursday and wanting to incorporate Tensor Flow into our autonomous, Ben Lischner stopped by this morning to talk programming with Sean and Kairon. Ben Lishner deciphered how the program Tenserflow functions and explained it to Sean and Kairon, [but they don't know how to proceed.(?)]
Everyone worked on the robot today to problem solve and make sure we were meeting all our goals for inspection and competition. Liam, along with Tristan and Hayden, have been working on tightening the entire robot arm's screws with the Allen wrenches. Liam and Coach Chad spent the morning reinforcing the arm and grabber and adjusting the chain drive. We spent the afternoon troubleshooting programming issues, and making changes to the robot to make it legal able to pass inspection. We found cable extensions to connect our motors to the Rev Hubs.
We decided that the chain drive will not hold the arm in the position we were hoping to pass inspection, and discussed how we can create a way to hold the arm static for inspection and then servo the stopper out of the way.
We have a list of things to test, finish and practice before the meet on November 23rd and are feeling the time crunch!

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