Saturday, December 28, 2019

Saturday 12/28/19 - More testing, problems and changes

Date: Saturday, December 28th, 2019
Agenda: More troubleshooting and problem solving
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Mentor Aidan, Hayden, Sean and Liam
Note Taker: Sean
Tasks: Correct our list of problems to get the robot running
Reflection: Sean created a smaller new phone holder tried to print it on the school Makerbot, but could not get the program working correctly. He will need to wait until Mrs Billings is back from break to help with the issue. He is also working on a new capstone design that can be grabbed by the arm more easily.
We made some modifications to the robot itself that needed to be done. We attached the new side wall which will allow us more space for the REV controllers and the switch. We took off the servo cords that we are not using any longer. We added silicon to the arm to grab blocks more efficiently. We tested driving and grabbing the blocks and it works. Then, we discussed a combination of the two arms. How can we use the original arm so that it swivels and allows us to stack with the stability of the second arm for grabbing and driving. We need to see if we can engineer it and test it.

Saturday 12/21/19 - Fix it and form a strategy!

Date: Saturday, December 21st, 2019
Agenda: Strategize and fix what isn't working
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Sean, Connie, Kairon, and Mentor Aidan, Mentor Ben showed up and helped with some programming with Sean
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Analyze the problems and fix them
Reflection: The first issue was staffing. We determined that the tires were still not in the right positions, so changing the tires was the first task and then we tested driving to make sure straffing was working properly.
The x-rail is lifting slowly so we changed the programming mode using encoders.

Define goals, strengths and weaknesses -
Priorities -
1. Basic autonomous
2. Get the Foundation Arm working - does not grip well or drive easily because of straffing
3. Re-engineer the Grabber Arm - difficult to grab blocks because they need to be in right position
4. Points Strategy - we need to plan to get points
5. Notebook - Engineering section and programming section need to be done
6. Better Autonomous - add color sensor to detect Skystone, and create 2-4 programs

Instead of the claw arm, what about a flat plate on the front of the robot and a simple swing arm to grab the blocks and move them? It would help align the blocks so that they can be grabbed. We give up the ability to stack easily, but at least we can grab efficiently and move blocks.

Merry Christmas everyone! Saturday meetings over break for those who can attend!

Saturday 12/14/19 SOAR Leage Meet #2 & #3 at Fremont Middle School in Roseburg

Date: Saturday, December 14th, 2019
Agenda: SOAR League Meets #2 & #3 at Fremont Middle School in Roseburg
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Connie Kairon and Shannon (Kairon's Mom)
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Compete and have a good time!
Reflection: For Meet #1, we created an Autonomous scouting sheet, so Connie and Liam went to scout the teams we are competing against and find out their capabilities. We are here to push blocks, work the best we can with our alliance team and have a great time!
We had problems during the meet. In two matches, we were unable to drive because of connectivity issues. It's very troublesome when there are too many users on the internet at a match and it causes problems for the robots or when people turn on their hotspots. The League keeps asking for the audience to turn to airplane mode and use data, but there is always someone who forgets or refuses.
We didn't have a great strategy at the meets. We need the robot coach at the meets to push and guide the driver to strive for points and that's difficult to do when you haven't planned it that way. We got stuck on the platform one time. We were trying to push the platform and accidentally drove up on it and then were unable to drive off. In one of the matches, somehow, our controls got reversed on the keypad. We're not sure how that was accomplished, but reset everything and changed battery and got it working again. One match, one of the other teams was aggressive and kept hitting us and we dropped blocks and the foundation, but when we asked about a penalty, the referee said they were trying to score and did not appear to be hitting us on purpose. We ended near the bottom of the heap, but all took it in stride and are ready to make changes and get ready for the next competition.

Thursday 12/12/19 - Prepare for SOAR League Meet 2 & 3

Date: Thursday, December 12th, 2019
Agenda: Prepare for the League Meet - Yes, we have no Autonomous!
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Mentor Chris, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Sean, Kairon, Connie, Mentor Aidan
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Everything and anything to get us ready for Meet #2 & #3!
Reflection: We feel like nothing is working right, so we are adjusting and testing everything and just hoping that we can drive and push blocks and get some points at the Meets. Aidan is helping to check connections and programming and advise us on any changes we can make to be ready. Hayden is trying to get some driver practice and learn to control the robot.

Tuesday 12/10/19 Driving practice? What is that?

Date: Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
Agenda: Driver Practice? What is that?
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam
Note Taker: Sean
Tasks: Get the robot driving and the arm working
Reflection: We continue to have driving issues and problems controlling the arm. We keep making adjustments and testing but can't seem to get it perfected and can't build an autonomous program around a robot that will not strafe properly or even drive straight. We keep having to check and recheck connections and adjust programming. We need to create a more organized method for the team future.
We did create a foundation arm with 2 servos that should help to grab the foundation and move it, but ran out of time before we could test it.
We laughed a bit that, once again, the meet is a couple days away and we have had no driver practice.

Sunday, 12/8/19 Problem solving

Date: Sunday, December 8th, 2019
Agenda: Problem Solving, Can we get this Robot running?
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Sean, Liam, Kairon, Connie, visitor David Perry, ORTOP Executive Director
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Foundation Arm, Block Arm swivel precision, Autonomous
Reflection: The Block Arm is still having problems with grabbing precision. It can only grab the blocks straight on and not if the block is at an angle. We also have trouble straffing and aligning the robot to grab easily. While testing, we found that the swivel arm was loose because the adapter connection to the locking hub was loose. Liam took apart the swivel arm and tightened everything.

The x-rail extension was very slow because "run to position" coding decreased the maximum speed. We figured this out because, when we attach the test battery to to x-rail is extends with normal set power. the programming is now set to run without encoders and no set limits , but Sean and Kairon hope to find a way to add the encoders back in for control. They may contact Ben or Aidan to see if they can advise them on how to adjust the programming.

We took a slight break when David Perry, Executive Director of ORTOP stopped by. He came by to pick up some equipment from the FLL Tournament from Coach Cynde, but took time to visit with us. We demonstrated our robot and discussed how we had created it and why. We also discussed why robotics is important to us. We explained that FIRST allows us to design, create, fail and learn while having fun. We have had many failures in the past and then re-engineered and had success. We discussed that our science teacher has talked of the possibility of having a robotics class next year and what that may mean for our team to have additional class time to work instead of just our 2 weekly meetings on Thursdays after school and Saturdays. Mr Perry seemed impressed with our creation and we enjoyed the visit.

Saturday, 12/7/19 FLL Tournament in Myrtle Creek

Saturday, December 7th, 2019 FLL Regional Championship in Myrtle Creek

Reflection: Every year, we try to support FIRST Lego League Robotics by assisting Coach Cynde, the FLL Championship Director for Myrtle Creek, by volunteering at the FLL Regional Championship and demonstrating our robot for the FLL team members. This year, many of our team members were illl or unavailable because of work, but Sean attended and volunteered as Score Keeper for the tournament and demonstrated our robot for the 300 people in attendance. Sean did a great job of explaining the challenge, how our robot functions and demonstrating it driving. All of the kids were engaged and many asked questions about the robot and FTC. It was a very long day, but very successful and many FLL team members plan to move forward to FTC in the future.

Thursday, 12/5/19 Improving the Grabber Arm

Date: Thursday, December 5th, 2019
Agenda: Get the Grabber working and tested
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Mentor Chris, Sean, Hayden, Tristan, Liam and Connie
Note Taker: Hayden
Tasks: Adjust programming to slow down arm and test
Reflection: We decreased the gear boxes on the new REV HD motors to increase the speed of the grabber arm swinging in to place. When turned on, the arm flings forward at a dangerous rate. We tested and tried to control the gearing and speed with programming and continual testing and eventually, the new motor started smoking. This may be because we kept grabbing the arm as we were testing to stop the rotation, but it may be an issue with the motor.
We tested the second motor off of the robot and it appears to react properly to the programming. We will switch out the HD Hex motors on the arm and resume testing.
We took measurements for our side walls and figure the western wall should be 9" long x 3.75" high and the eastern wall should be 13" wide x 11" tall.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. This was one of the conversations we had while building.
While we were testing the second REV HD motor on the arm, it also became hot and was overheating. We now believe there may be issues with our new motors and since we are at a critical point of building, we are deserting them right now until we have time to properly test them and determine if we need to return or exchange them.

Thursday 11/14/19 Make the Block Arm work!

Date: Thursday, November 14, 2019
Agenda: Finish build! Program, test and get ready for meet #1
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Connie and Kairon
Note Taker: Tristan
Tasks: Make the block arm work
Agenda: Finish build! Program, test and get ready for meet #1!
Reflection: We spent the meeting tightening screws and making adjustments to try to make the block arm function better and try to find the programming limits to make the programming work. We did not get a lot of time to test the arm or to practice driving. We have a plan for Autonomous but our programmers have not had a chance to test it yet since the arm is not functioning properly.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Wednesday 11/27/19 Snow Day and illness causes cancelled meeting!

Date: Wednesday, November 27th, 2019
Reflection: With 2 teammates out sick and snow falling to the valley floor, the coaches decided to cancel the meeting. Unfortunately, Sean didn't get the notification, so he proceeded to the Robotics room for the meeting and worked on some programming until he got picked up.

Saturday 11/30/19 Thankful for Mentors and Coaches helping us get back on track!

Date: Saturday, November 30th, 2019
Agenda: Engineering Schedule/ Priority List
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Mentor Chris, Mentor Aidan, Connie, Sean, Hayden, Liam, Tristan and Kairon
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Priority List and Engineering Schedule, Review of robot issues and Meet strategy
Reflection: We started the meeting by creating a list of priorities and creating an Engineering Schedule for the next 2 weeks leading up to Meet #2 & #3. Chris helped us create a timeline and make the Engineering Schedule on the whiteboard.

Aidan arrived and we took the robot to the mats to show him the issues we were having like straffing.
We found out that we had 2 of our mecanum wheels on backwards. This was our first fix. Once the wheel placement was corrected, the straffing worked! Thank you Aidan!
Aidan worked with Sean and Kairon on programming limits and corrections for the motors. Liam and Tristan worked on how to correct the arm motors so that the stop points worked better and decided to switch out the core hex motor that controls the grabber with one of the new REV Ultraplanetary Gearbox HD Hex motors. Liam, Tristan and Connie worked to change out the grabber motor Sean worked on setting the new limits for the motor. When we tried to run the motor, it didn't work. We checked connections, programming, and tried the alternate HD Hex motor, then another motor. The regular motor worked properly, which meant the HD Hex motor encoders were failing to work. Sean scanned the internet and Reddit and found other teams with the same problem. He found a YouTube post by FIRST Global Team UK titled "How to fix the encoders on REV HD 20:1 motors 2019". The team stated that they had contacted REV and received the fix from them. We watched the video and decided to try it. It worked! The encoders now function properly with our controller! Just in time to end the meeting! We will add an additional meeting Tuesday after school for testing and adjustments, but at least we know it works. Changing to this motor will give us more power to stop the arm in the positions we need it to stop to grab and move the stones! Thank you Aidan and Chris for helping us troubleshoot and find the answers we needed!

Thursday 11/21/19

Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019
Agenda: Prep for SOAR Meet #1
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Coach Chad, Tristan, Liam, Sean, Hayden, Connie and Kairon
Note Taker: Hayden
Tasks: Try to get the robot driving
Reflection: The priority for the meeting was for Sean to try to get the robot driving so that we can push blocks. We know the straffing isn't working and we have no autonomous. Our best option is to be able to drive and push. The arm moves so fast and hazardous that we are more likely to cause damage than be able to grab a block. We are laughing at ourselves and ready to make the best of Meet #1! GO ROBOT!
Date: Thursday 11-7-19
Agenda: Build Build Program Test Program some more!
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Connie and Kairon
Note Taker: Liam
Tasks: Continue building the block arm
Reflection: Connie is going to start filming the team and adding the videos to the blog and Facebook page.
Sean and Kairon have laid out a plan for 4 autonomous programs but need the robot finished so that they can test. They did program and test the Core Hex motor that controls the rotation of the block arm from resting to active and that worked well. Most of the meeting was spent working on the block arm construction.

Sunday 11/17/19

Date: Sunday, November 17, 2019 (We didn’t meet Saturday because of Missoula Theatre
Agenda: Plug in everything, Wire management, GET DRIVING!
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Hayden, Connie, Sean, Liam, Kairon,Tristan
Note Taker: Sean
Tasks: Test the robot ,Driver practice and Autonomous
Reflection: Now we stress! Meet 1 is next weekend and somehow we have not tested Autonomous or had any real driver time. Fingers are crossed that everything functions and our programmers can get everything together today!
We spent too much time on wire management in the morning without testing the motors firtst. When we tried to drive the robot and move the arm after lunch, everything went wrong. Straffing did not work, the arm didn't work at all, and the rest of the afternoon was basically figuring out that motors were plugged in wrong and needed to be rewired by hand tracing the wires to the source. We had no time for driver practice or autonomous and frustration was at max.
With guidance from Mentor Chris, we retraced wires and connections and corrected the mis-wiring. We tested motors and checked the positioning of our tires using our tire diagram. We spent the afternoon correcting issues and had no time for driver practice or for programming autonomous. It was a frustrating day.

Saturday 11/23/19 - SOAR League Meet #1 at Fremont Middle School

SOAR FTC League Meet #1 Reflection:
We created an interview sheet for Autonomous to see which teams had an autonomous and how they functioned. Connie, Tristan and Liam conducted the interviews.
From scouting, we found that 12 of the SOAR teams had only 12 teams had basic working autonomous programs. No teams had Tensor Flow functioning to recognize the Skystone.
About 2 teams were able to stack blocks. Most teams pushed blocks into the building zone and a few teams had ways of projecting the blocks up onto the foundation.

Team observations - There was a robot with 3d-printed walls and a couple other robots with an x-rail similar to ours. The Roseburg teams Aries and Taurus both had arms that lifted, one with worm gear like the linear actuator kit that we used last year and the other with a rack and pinion system. 

Our robot - The first issue was at robot inspection because we had some rough edges on the 3D printed items, and then one of our phones was not updated to the current app. In competition, our straffing was still not functioning and we had multiple issues with the arm that still were not fixed. We were able to grab one block during the 5 rounds. We mostly pushed blocks to try to score, and at one point the robot got stuck on top of the platform. We knew we were not as prepared as we should have been and are committed to creating and sticking to a timeline to be ready for Meet #2 and #3.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Date: Saturday 11/9/19
Agenda: Fix Programming and Finish Build
In  Attendance: Coach Cynde, Coach Chad, Sean, Liam, Hayden, Connie, Tristan, Kairon and Programming Mentor Ben
Note Taker: Connie
Reflection: Because of the program problems we had Thursday and wanting to incorporate Tensor Flow into our autonomous, Ben Lischner stopped by this morning to talk programming with Sean and Kairon. Ben Lishner deciphered how the program Tenserflow functions and explained it to Sean and Kairon, [but they don't know how to proceed.(?)]
Everyone worked on the robot today to problem solve and make sure we were meeting all our goals for inspection and competition. Liam, along with Tristan and Hayden, have been working on tightening the entire robot arm's screws with the Allen wrenches. Liam and Coach Chad spent the morning reinforcing the arm and grabber and adjusting the chain drive. We spent the afternoon troubleshooting programming issues, and making changes to the robot to make it legal able to pass inspection. We found cable extensions to connect our motors to the Rev Hubs.
We decided that the chain drive will not hold the arm in the position we were hoping to pass inspection, and discussed how we can create a way to hold the arm static for inspection and then servo the stopper out of the way.
We have a list of things to test, finish and practice before the meet on November 23rd and are feeling the time crunch!

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

Date: Wednesday 10/30/19
Agenda: Build and prep for SOAR League Zero Meet!
In Attendance: Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Kairon, Connie, Coach Chad
Note Taker: Sean
Reflection: Sean and Kairon discussed Autonomous possibilities and are planning a minimum of 4 paths and more likely 8 path programs.
If you start in the Building Zone, the robot should move the foundation, cross to the Loading Zone through the neutral Skybridge to avoid collisions, scan for a Skystone, pick up the Skystone and deliver it to the foundation in the Building Zone by driving under the alliance Skybridge, and collect an additional Skystone if there is time, and then park over the midline tape.
If you start in the Loading Zone, the robot should scan for the Skystone and pick it up, cross under the alliance Skybridge and deliver it to the foundation, return thru the neutral bridge, collect another stone and deliver it to the foundation. Different paths to avoid collision is very important and so is being able to coordinate with your alliance. We are going to need to scout other team’s autonomous paths so that we can combine them well with ours.

Liam  worked more on perfecting the arm attachment with the new parts from ServoCity. We were hoping to have the arm tested and running for Zero Meet, but we ran out of time and with the  Halloween carnival tomorrow, we can’t add another meeting this week.

Saturday, November 2nd, 2019 - SOAR League Zero Meet at Fremont Middle School

Date: Saturday 11/2/19
Agenda: SOAR League Zero Meet - meet alliance teams, help other teams, keep building to see if we can drive
In Attendance: Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Connie, Kairon, Coach Chad and Coach Cynde 
Note Taker: Tristan
Reflection: We met at the high school at 8am to load the robot and tool boxes and hit the road for Roseburg. Our robot is drivable, but the arm is not running right now, but we can work on it there and see if we can get the arm working. This sounded like a great plan, but when we got there, we realized we had left some of our tools and parts behind. We grabbed for the duct tape and tried to meet inspection. Some of the team mates walked around and met the other teams and looked at their robots. There are many new teams this year with very basic robots so far. We talked to many of them about how our robot is designed and functions. We also advised a few teams and offered our contact information, especially for help with programming. There are many teams still having initial programming setup issues and Sean is willing to share what he can. It was great catching up with some of our old league mates and talking to some of the new ones like the team mates from Pulsar!

We did not know there was going to be scrimmage today for all the teams. In the past the scrimmage was open those who were ready. Instead of staying to observe the scrimmage and just watch, we voted to return back to the robotics room and get back to the build. We are anxious to finish building and start testing!! 

We finally changed out the old wires with the new JST PH(MH-FC) to JST XH(MH-FC) so that we don’t have to use the level logic converters and to clean up our wire management a bit. We also attached the servo to the x-rail winch to test it and it isn’t stable enough or as strong as we need to extend the x-rail quickly. Liam worked on converting to the other hex motor for the extension. We are hoping to be able to get running by this Thursday so that we can start testing and practicing. 
We only have 3 weeks until Meet #1. Next Saturday, we will set up the field on the cafeteria floor for practice and invite our Mentors to stop by and see what we’ve been working on and see if they can help us get further along.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday 10/26/19 Meeting

Date: Saturday 10/26/19
Agenda: Build like crazy so we can get testing!!
In attendance: Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Kairon and Connie
Note taker: Kairon
Reflection: Sean reprinted the 3D print base for the capstone to perfect the sizing.

Liam, Tristan, Hayden and Kairon worked with Coach Chad to get the chain drive on and put the arm together. We figured out how to attach the grabber to the x-rails with the Core Hex motor so that the grabber can basically fold into the robot. We were waiting to build the arm until the Ultraslides arrived, but since one arrived broken and they are not stable and reliable, we went back to using our ServoCity x-rails. We spent much of the meeting building and strengthening. Kairon and Sean also worked on autonomous paths and ideas. We realize that this year’s challenge is going to mean multiple autonomous paths to  work well with our alliance and avoid collisions.

Thursday 10/24/19 Meeting

Date: Thursday 10/24/19
Agenda: Parts arrived! Build the Stone Delivery Arm!!
In attendance: Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Kairon and Coach Cynde 
Note taker: Hayden
Reflection: Sean worked the 3D printed model of the base of the capstone for sizing. The base should fit over the stone extrusion at the top slightly loosely so that it easily fits over but not so loose that it can fall off when the foundation is moved. The actual design of the capstone is still being discussed. The capstone needs to be a minimum of 3x3x4”. The current idea for the capstone is to have a block base that can show the team number on the sides and an Elk head. Sean is working on the base of the design and we are hoping that Mrs Billings will let us print in on the school 3D printer since ours is now obsolete.

The story of our 3D printer is that 5 years ago, Grace Lyons applied for a grant thru the Coca Cola Company for the team to receive a special 3D printer that used recycled soda bottles for printing materials. We were approved and received an Ekocycle. The additional cartridges for printing were a little expensive, but we have used it successfully since we received it and taught many of our team mates how to 3D print. Unfortunately, the machine has not been phased out and the print cartridges are no longer being made or available for sale. At the Summer Arts Festival and our fundraisers, we have been asking for donations so that we can buy a new 3D printer this year. We use 3D printing for specialized parts for the robot and team markers like the capstone. Learning how to design sophisticated programs like Fusion 360 teaches our team members how to visualize and create a 3D form which may be very valuable for us in future careers.

Some of our new parts arrive early this week including our 2 Ultraslide extrusions that we ordered from Rev Robotics. Unfortunately, One of them failed right out of the box and ball bearings went all over the floor. So, we decided pretty quickly that these were not going to be as strong as we needed and went back to original idea of using the x-rail. Liam, Tristan and Hayden went to work to put together the chain drive and the base that will hold the arm extension and claw. We will build more at our Saturday meeting.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday 10/19/19 Meeting

Date: Saturday, 10/19/19
Agenda: Finish configuring new laptops, work on robot base, discuss capstone design
In attendance: Coach Cynde, Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, and Connie
Note taker: Sean
Reflection: The new laptops were updated to include Coach Cynde as administrator so that we could finish installing Android Studio. We still are having an issue syncing Android Studio on the new laptops, even though we were able to sync it properly on Kairon’s computer. We may have to contact the school’s computer support again to find out what the issue is. coach cynde will e-mail him and see if he can help with the issue.

Liam worked on reconfiguring the base and adding side walls. The plan is to have a chain drive to lift the grip arm, but we are waiting for additional parts to arrive for the construction. Unfortunately, our new Ultraslide extrusions did not arrive yesterday as they said they would. It looks like they should be here Monday now. We did add a core hex motor that will help rotate the arm so that it fits in to the body of the robot to drive under the bridge.

Connie and Tristan worked on some ideas for the support robotics shirt sale that we want to do this year. We need to talk to the student body council and set a sales time frame and we need to contact Oregon Serigraphics for the printing. 

Since we didn’t get the parts for building, we took a little time at the end of the meeting to play games together.

Thursday 10/12/19 Meeting

Date: Thursday, October 12th, 2019
Agenda: Work on the arm, set up Kairon’s computer
In attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Sean, Kairon, Liam, Tristan, Connie 
Note taker: Sean
Reflection: Sean and Kairon worked together to download the needed programs to Kairon’s computer so that they can communicate thru discord on the days when Kairon can’t come to the meeting and Kairon can help with programming in Android Studio. they were able to configure Android Studio and update Tensorflow so that it works for Skystone.

3 weeks until Zero Meet!!

Liam worked with Chad on how to mount the arm and discussed using a higher pivot point so that the arm can reach low and up higher at extension. They are also working on a needed parts list for the arm.

Coach Cynde helped set up the team blog in Blogger. We will use this for our meeting entries for the Engineering Notebook and for greater community outreach by publishing our meetings and advertising the blog thru the school website and our Facebook page. Our sponsor posts and other Facebook posts reached 629 people this month!

We discussed more outreach to our students and the community and are planing to promote Hour of Code by mentoring other students during National Computer Education Week. We need to meet with Mrs Rose to discuss how we can make some presentations to the students that week and demonstrate our robot for the school and community.

Saturday 10/5/19 Meeting

Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2019
Agenda: 3D print some adapters, Work on arm design
In attendance: Coach Cynde, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Connie, Hayden 
Note taker: Hayden
Reflection: We decided to lower the robot base by rotating the motor axels. It only lowers the robot about 1/2”, but we want a lower center of gravity this year, so every inch counts. Sean worked on printing some 3d print adapters so we can connect the new grabber arm. 
Tristan mounted the Rev expansion hubs to a wooden board that was a previous side for the robot. We have decided to mount them to wood in our overall quest to stop Electrostatic discharge.
Liam worked on construction ideas for the arm to support the grabber. he will draw up some schematics for the Engineering Notebook.
Connie worked on adjusting the x-rail for the new arm. We may not use it for the final bot, but decided that we will build what we can to test now, even if it’s slightly too long or doesn’t fit in the 18” box. We can buy shorter replacement pieces or trim the one’s we have later. We already know that we want to make the grabber smaller with custom pieces later. Mentor Dan can help cut the x-rail or other aluminum pieces for us at home or at Orenco where he works.
We set up and scheduled the sponsor gratitude posts so that a different post will happen every day this week on Facebook.

Thursday 10/3/19 Meeting

Date: Thursday, October 3rd, 2019
Agenda: Set up 3D printer, build suction cup adapter
In attendance: Mentor Chris, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Kairon, Connie, Coach Cynde
Note taker: Tristan
Reflection: Connie worked with Chris to build a syringe suction cup adapter to see if it could work as a collection arm for the robot. It works really well, except that the suction cup is too small and doesn’t hold the Skystone when there is movement. Coach cynde said that she can bring a larger syringe and some larger suction cups to see if we can reproduce the concept on a larger scale. We discussed whether the device would be legal and checked the rule books. Since only the servo is mechanical, it appears legal. Although Liam’s grabber works, we will continue to develop this alternate arm and test which works more consistently too determine which we will use at competition.
We have been unable to locate the charging cord for the 3d printer and cannot print our adapter without it.
Kairon has officially joined the team!
We took a team photo and plan to create posts each day for sponsor appreciation. Our sponsors and donors are Umpqua Orthopedics, Frank Wood and the Wood Family Ranch, Roseburg Forest Products, Con-Vey Keystone, Barbara & Jim Maxham, Addcox Heating, and Larae Simmons. Thank You all for your Generous donations and for supporting Elkton robotics!

ECEC Oktoberfest 9/28/19

Date: Saturday, September 28, 2019
Agenda: ECEC Oktoberfest
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Connie, Lilly
Note Taker: Sean
Reflection: Our community fundraising event. This is the third year we run the dessert booth at the Elkton Oktoberfest. We got 4 German chocolate cakes donated from Tomaselli’s, Sherm’s Thunderbird, Fred Meyers, Albertsons and Safeway markets. Coach Cynde made apple strudels, and the other members made a homemade German chocolate cake, chocolate cupcakes, and molasses cookies. We had crazy sideways rain storms during the event and had to scramble to save our food from getting rained on. We talked to a lot of attendees and sold almost all of oof baked goods. It was a good day. We also received a $100 donation from a Jacob and Mary Huber! Thank you so much for your generous donation and for supporting Elkton Robotics!

Thursday 9/27/19 Meeting

Date: Thursday, September 27th, 2019
Agenda: More work on the grabber, Discuss Oktoberfest Fundraiser
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Tristan, Sean, Mentor Dan
Note Taker: Connie
Reflection: the team worked more on the grabber and discussed how to create a swivel S arm to connect the grabber to the arm so that it can connect to the arm and rotate to the inside of the robot to fit within the 18” box.

We talked about a Skystone goal and decided we would like to be able to build 7 high.

This Saturday is our Oktoberfest fundraiser at Elkton Community Education Center. This is our 3rd year hosting the dessert table at the event. It is usually a fun event and a good opportunity for us to explain to people who we are and why robotics is important to us. Most everyone plans to be there for most of the day or all of it and everyone is planning to bring a dessert to sell.

Mercy Surgical Robot at Roseburg Library/ Saturday 9/21/19 Meeting

Date: Saturday, September 21st, 2019
Agenda: See Mercy Surgical Robot at Roseburg Library/ Build Field Set
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Mentor Aidan, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Lilly
Note Taker: Lilly
Reflection: We went to the Roseburg Library to see the Mercy Surgical Robot. We had an in-depth discussion about the danger of using a robot for surgery and whether a robot should be trusted over a human, and how the unemployment rate will increase when more robots enter the workforce. The robot arm was very impressive and articulated in multiple directions. In comparison, our collection arm should be able to rotate the grabber and be mounted to an arm that lifts up and down. We liked looking at the 4 servos inside the robot arm that control it’s motion. We didn’t stay to get a turn using the arm because the line was long, we felt we had observed enough, and we were anxious to get back and have our meeting.

Aidan joined us back at the meeting and one of our discussions was about the speed of the motors. And whether or not we need new motors. We discussed trying to buy ew gear boxes (20 to 1) to increase the speed. Looking on Andy Mark, those gear boxes were no longer available. We then discussed that being more symmetrical, balanced and lighter weight should make us move faster without increased motors. We would like to buy some of the new Ultraplanetary Gear box sets from Rev Robotics once they become available. In the meantime, we will stay with our motors.

Everyone worked together to build the bridge for the field.
Aidan and Sean looked at Tensorflow but could not find the links to update it to Skystone. They may not be available, yet. We may need to learn how to manipulate Tensorflow.

Connie worked on a points board that shows the possible points for Autonomous, Driver Controlled period and End Game. Coach Cynde drew up a timeline of our meetings and future meets.

Thursday, 9/19/19

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2019
Agenda: Make. The gripper smaller and more efficient at grabbing
In Attendance: Mentor Dan, Mentor Chris, Sean, Lilly, Tristan, Liam, Kairon, Drew, Coach Cynde 
Note Taker Tristan
Reflection: Liam came up with an idea for a gripper and the team helped him work on that most of the meeting with input from Dan and Chris. Kairon was new to the team and the other members showed him the challenge video and discussed what FIRST Tech Challenge is all about. If we can coordinate transportation with the school and Kairon’s Mom, he is interested in joining the team. We are also going to try to set up remotely so that on the days he can’t be at the meeting, we can work together via Skype or Discord.

Saturday, 9/14/19

Date: Saturday, September 14th, 2019
Agenda: Prototype for Arm, Organize team paperwork
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Sean, Tristan, Liam, Lilly
Note Taker: Sean
Reflection: We created an easy block arm that can pick up the blocks sideways and lift them with the x-rail since we had the x-rail built from the last challenge. It was a quick easy build and gave us the opportunity to visually see what the problems were with a side grabbing arm. It is less efficient because you have to grab from one angle. The x-rail is not very stable and the block moves a bit and will make precision difficult. Tristan built a cardboard mock up of the Skystone for size and testing until our field set arrives.

Thursday 9/12/19 After school meeting

Date: Thursday, September 12th, 2019 
Agenda: Finish moving in & setting up room, Reconstruct base & drive train
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Hayden, Liam, Mentor Aidan, Tristan, Connie, Lilly
Note Taker: Lilly
Reflection: A few of the members drove to the Wood House with Aidan and Chad where we stored our equipment for the Summer to pick up and bring back our tools and table and extra parts. Last year, our base was not symmetrical and our weight was not well balanced, so and we didn’t straif as well as we could. This year, we want to be sure that we can strain and drive faster. Once we got more of the room settled, we spent the remainder of the meeting rebuilding the base and discussing some ideas about the arm.