Date: Saturday, December 28th, 2019
Agenda: More troubleshooting and problem solving
In Attendance: Coach Cynde, Mentor Aidan, Hayden, Sean and Liam
Note Taker: Sean
Tasks: Correct our list of problems to get the robot running
Reflection: Sean created a smaller new phone holder tried to print it on the school Makerbot, but could not get the program working correctly. He will need to wait until Mrs Billings is back from break to help with the issue. He is also working on a new capstone design that can be grabbed by the arm more easily.
We made some modifications to the robot itself that needed to be done. We attached the new side wall which will allow us more space for the REV controllers and the switch. We took off the servo cords that we are not using any longer. We added silicon to the arm to grab blocks more efficiently. We tested driving and grabbing the blocks and it works. Then, we discussed a combination of the two arms. How can we use the original arm so that it swivels and allows us to stack with the stability of the second arm for grabbing and driving. We need to see if we can engineer it and test it.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Saturday 12/21/19 - Fix it and form a strategy!
Date: Saturday, December 21st, 2019
Agenda: Strategize and fix what isn't working
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Sean, Connie, Kairon, and Mentor Aidan, Mentor Ben showed up and helped with some programming with Sean
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Analyze the problems and fix them
Reflection: The first issue was staffing. We determined that the tires were still not in the right positions, so changing the tires was the first task and then we tested driving to make sure straffing was working properly.
The x-rail is lifting slowly so we changed the programming mode using encoders.
Define goals, strengths and weaknesses -
Priorities -
1. Basic autonomous
2. Get the Foundation Arm working - does not grip well or drive easily because of straffing
3. Re-engineer the Grabber Arm - difficult to grab blocks because they need to be in right position
4. Points Strategy - we need to plan to get points
5. Notebook - Engineering section and programming section need to be done
6. Better Autonomous - add color sensor to detect Skystone, and create 2-4 programs
Instead of the claw arm, what about a flat plate on the front of the robot and a simple swing arm to grab the blocks and move them? It would help align the blocks so that they can be grabbed. We give up the ability to stack easily, but at least we can grab efficiently and move blocks.
Merry Christmas everyone! Saturday meetings over break for those who can attend!
Agenda: Strategize and fix what isn't working
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Sean, Connie, Kairon, and Mentor Aidan, Mentor Ben showed up and helped with some programming with Sean
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Analyze the problems and fix them
Reflection: The first issue was staffing. We determined that the tires were still not in the right positions, so changing the tires was the first task and then we tested driving to make sure straffing was working properly.
The x-rail is lifting slowly so we changed the programming mode using encoders.
Define goals, strengths and weaknesses -
Priorities -
1. Basic autonomous
2. Get the Foundation Arm working - does not grip well or drive easily because of straffing
3. Re-engineer the Grabber Arm - difficult to grab blocks because they need to be in right position
4. Points Strategy - we need to plan to get points
5. Notebook - Engineering section and programming section need to be done
6. Better Autonomous - add color sensor to detect Skystone, and create 2-4 programs
Instead of the claw arm, what about a flat plate on the front of the robot and a simple swing arm to grab the blocks and move them? It would help align the blocks so that they can be grabbed. We give up the ability to stack easily, but at least we can grab efficiently and move blocks.
Merry Christmas everyone! Saturday meetings over break for those who can attend!
Saturday 12/14/19 SOAR Leage Meet #2 & #3 at Fremont Middle School in Roseburg
Date: Saturday, December 14th, 2019
Agenda: SOAR League Meets #2 & #3 at Fremont Middle School in Roseburg
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Connie Kairon and Shannon (Kairon's Mom)
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Compete and have a good time!
Reflection: For Meet #1, we created an Autonomous scouting sheet, so Connie and Liam went to scout the teams we are competing against and find out their capabilities. We are here to push blocks, work the best we can with our alliance team and have a great time!
We had problems during the meet. In two matches, we were unable to drive because of connectivity issues. It's very troublesome when there are too many users on the internet at a match and it causes problems for the robots or when people turn on their hotspots. The League keeps asking for the audience to turn to airplane mode and use data, but there is always someone who forgets or refuses.
We didn't have a great strategy at the meets. We need the robot coach at the meets to push and guide the driver to strive for points and that's difficult to do when you haven't planned it that way. We got stuck on the platform one time. We were trying to push the platform and accidentally drove up on it and then were unable to drive off. In one of the matches, somehow, our controls got reversed on the keypad. We're not sure how that was accomplished, but reset everything and changed battery and got it working again. One match, one of the other teams was aggressive and kept hitting us and we dropped blocks and the foundation, but when we asked about a penalty, the referee said they were trying to score and did not appear to be hitting us on purpose. We ended near the bottom of the heap, but all took it in stride and are ready to make changes and get ready for the next competition.
Agenda: SOAR League Meets #2 & #3 at Fremont Middle School in Roseburg
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Connie Kairon and Shannon (Kairon's Mom)
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Compete and have a good time!
Reflection: For Meet #1, we created an Autonomous scouting sheet, so Connie and Liam went to scout the teams we are competing against and find out their capabilities. We are here to push blocks, work the best we can with our alliance team and have a great time!
We had problems during the meet. In two matches, we were unable to drive because of connectivity issues. It's very troublesome when there are too many users on the internet at a match and it causes problems for the robots or when people turn on their hotspots. The League keeps asking for the audience to turn to airplane mode and use data, but there is always someone who forgets or refuses.
We didn't have a great strategy at the meets. We need the robot coach at the meets to push and guide the driver to strive for points and that's difficult to do when you haven't planned it that way. We got stuck on the platform one time. We were trying to push the platform and accidentally drove up on it and then were unable to drive off. In one of the matches, somehow, our controls got reversed on the keypad. We're not sure how that was accomplished, but reset everything and changed battery and got it working again. One match, one of the other teams was aggressive and kept hitting us and we dropped blocks and the foundation, but when we asked about a penalty, the referee said they were trying to score and did not appear to be hitting us on purpose. We ended near the bottom of the heap, but all took it in stride and are ready to make changes and get ready for the next competition.
Thursday 12/12/19 - Prepare for SOAR League Meet 2 & 3
Date: Thursday, December 12th, 2019
Agenda: Prepare for the League Meet - Yes, we have no Autonomous!
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Mentor Chris, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Sean, Kairon, Connie, Mentor Aidan
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Everything and anything to get us ready for Meet #2 & #3!
Reflection: We feel like nothing is working right, so we are adjusting and testing everything and just hoping that we can drive and push blocks and get some points at the Meets. Aidan is helping to check connections and programming and advise us on any changes we can make to be ready. Hayden is trying to get some driver practice and learn to control the robot.
Agenda: Prepare for the League Meet - Yes, we have no Autonomous!
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Mentor Chris, Coach Cynde, Hayden, Liam, Sean, Kairon, Connie, Mentor Aidan
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Everything and anything to get us ready for Meet #2 & #3!
Reflection: We feel like nothing is working right, so we are adjusting and testing everything and just hoping that we can drive and push blocks and get some points at the Meets. Aidan is helping to check connections and programming and advise us on any changes we can make to be ready. Hayden is trying to get some driver practice and learn to control the robot.
Tuesday 12/10/19 Driving practice? What is that?
Date: Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
Agenda: Driver Practice? What is that?
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam
Note Taker: Sean
Tasks: Get the robot driving and the arm working
Reflection: We continue to have driving issues and problems controlling the arm. We keep making adjustments and testing but can't seem to get it perfected and can't build an autonomous program around a robot that will not strafe properly or even drive straight. We keep having to check and recheck connections and adjust programming. We need to create a more organized method for the team future.
We did create a foundation arm with 2 servos that should help to grab the foundation and move it, but ran out of time before we could test it.
We laughed a bit that, once again, the meet is a couple days away and we have had no driver practice.
Agenda: Driver Practice? What is that?
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam
Note Taker: Sean
Tasks: Get the robot driving and the arm working
Reflection: We continue to have driving issues and problems controlling the arm. We keep making adjustments and testing but can't seem to get it perfected and can't build an autonomous program around a robot that will not strafe properly or even drive straight. We keep having to check and recheck connections and adjust programming. We need to create a more organized method for the team future.
We did create a foundation arm with 2 servos that should help to grab the foundation and move it, but ran out of time before we could test it.
We laughed a bit that, once again, the meet is a couple days away and we have had no driver practice.
Sunday, 12/8/19 Problem solving
Date: Sunday, December 8th, 2019
Agenda: Problem Solving, Can we get this Robot running?
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Sean, Liam, Kairon, Connie, visitor David Perry, ORTOP Executive Director
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Foundation Arm, Block Arm swivel precision, Autonomous
Reflection: The Block Arm is still having problems with grabbing precision. It can only grab the blocks straight on and not if the block is at an angle. We also have trouble straffing and aligning the robot to grab easily. While testing, we found that the swivel arm was loose because the adapter connection to the locking hub was loose. Liam took apart the swivel arm and tightened everything.
The x-rail extension was very slow because "run to position" coding decreased the maximum speed. We figured this out because, when we attach the test battery to to x-rail is extends with normal set power. the programming is now set to run without encoders and no set limits , but Sean and Kairon hope to find a way to add the encoders back in for control. They may contact Ben or Aidan to see if they can advise them on how to adjust the programming.
We took a slight break when David Perry, Executive Director of ORTOP stopped by. He came by to pick up some equipment from the FLL Tournament from Coach Cynde, but took time to visit with us. We demonstrated our robot and discussed how we had created it and why. We also discussed why robotics is important to us. We explained that FIRST allows us to design, create, fail and learn while having fun. We have had many failures in the past and then re-engineered and had success. We discussed that our science teacher has talked of the possibility of having a robotics class next year and what that may mean for our team to have additional class time to work instead of just our 2 weekly meetings on Thursdays after school and Saturdays. Mr Perry seemed impressed with our creation and we enjoyed the visit.
Agenda: Problem Solving, Can we get this Robot running?
In Attendance: Mentor Chris, Sean, Liam, Kairon, Connie, visitor David Perry, ORTOP Executive Director
Note Taker: Connie
Tasks: Foundation Arm, Block Arm swivel precision, Autonomous
Reflection: The Block Arm is still having problems with grabbing precision. It can only grab the blocks straight on and not if the block is at an angle. We also have trouble straffing and aligning the robot to grab easily. While testing, we found that the swivel arm was loose because the adapter connection to the locking hub was loose. Liam took apart the swivel arm and tightened everything.
The x-rail extension was very slow because "run to position" coding decreased the maximum speed. We figured this out because, when we attach the test battery to to x-rail is extends with normal set power. the programming is now set to run without encoders and no set limits , but Sean and Kairon hope to find a way to add the encoders back in for control. They may contact Ben or Aidan to see if they can advise them on how to adjust the programming.
We took a slight break when David Perry, Executive Director of ORTOP stopped by. He came by to pick up some equipment from the FLL Tournament from Coach Cynde, but took time to visit with us. We demonstrated our robot and discussed how we had created it and why. We also discussed why robotics is important to us. We explained that FIRST allows us to design, create, fail and learn while having fun. We have had many failures in the past and then re-engineered and had success. We discussed that our science teacher has talked of the possibility of having a robotics class next year and what that may mean for our team to have additional class time to work instead of just our 2 weekly meetings on Thursdays after school and Saturdays. Mr Perry seemed impressed with our creation and we enjoyed the visit.
Saturday, 12/7/19 FLL Tournament in Myrtle Creek
Saturday, December 7th, 2019 FLL Regional Championship in Myrtle Creek
Reflection: Every year, we try to support FIRST Lego League Robotics by assisting Coach Cynde, the FLL Championship Director for Myrtle Creek, by volunteering at the FLL Regional Championship and demonstrating our robot for the FLL team members. This year, many of our team members were illl or unavailable because of work, but Sean attended and volunteered as Score Keeper for the tournament and demonstrated our robot for the 300 people in attendance. Sean did a great job of explaining the challenge, how our robot functions and demonstrating it driving. All of the kids were engaged and many asked questions about the robot and FTC. It was a very long day, but very successful and many FLL team members plan to move forward to FTC in the future.
Reflection: Every year, we try to support FIRST Lego League Robotics by assisting Coach Cynde, the FLL Championship Director for Myrtle Creek, by volunteering at the FLL Regional Championship and demonstrating our robot for the FLL team members. This year, many of our team members were illl or unavailable because of work, but Sean attended and volunteered as Score Keeper for the tournament and demonstrated our robot for the 300 people in attendance. Sean did a great job of explaining the challenge, how our robot functions and demonstrating it driving. All of the kids were engaged and many asked questions about the robot and FTC. It was a very long day, but very successful and many FLL team members plan to move forward to FTC in the future.
Thursday, 12/5/19 Improving the Grabber Arm
Date: Thursday, December 5th, 2019
Agenda: Get the Grabber working and tested
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Mentor Chris, Sean, Hayden, Tristan, Liam and Connie
Note Taker: Hayden
Tasks: Adjust programming to slow down arm and test
Reflection: We decreased the gear boxes on the new REV HD motors to increase the speed of the grabber arm swinging in to place. When turned on, the arm flings forward at a dangerous rate. We tested and tried to control the gearing and speed with programming and continual testing and eventually, the new motor started smoking. This may be because we kept grabbing the arm as we were testing to stop the rotation, but it may be an issue with the motor.
We tested the second motor off of the robot and it appears to react properly to the programming. We will switch out the HD Hex motors on the arm and resume testing.
We took measurements for our side walls and figure the western wall should be 9" long x 3.75" high and the eastern wall should be 13" wide x 11" tall.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. This was one of the conversations we had while building.
While we were testing the second REV HD motor on the arm, it also became hot and was overheating. We now believe there may be issues with our new motors and since we are at a critical point of building, we are deserting them right now until we have time to properly test them and determine if we need to return or exchange them.
Agenda: Get the Grabber working and tested
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Mentor Chris, Sean, Hayden, Tristan, Liam and Connie
Note Taker: Hayden
Tasks: Adjust programming to slow down arm and test
Reflection: We decreased the gear boxes on the new REV HD motors to increase the speed of the grabber arm swinging in to place. When turned on, the arm flings forward at a dangerous rate. We tested and tried to control the gearing and speed with programming and continual testing and eventually, the new motor started smoking. This may be because we kept grabbing the arm as we were testing to stop the rotation, but it may be an issue with the motor.
We tested the second motor off of the robot and it appears to react properly to the programming. We will switch out the HD Hex motors on the arm and resume testing.
We took measurements for our side walls and figure the western wall should be 9" long x 3.75" high and the eastern wall should be 13" wide x 11" tall.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. This was one of the conversations we had while building.
While we were testing the second REV HD motor on the arm, it also became hot and was overheating. We now believe there may be issues with our new motors and since we are at a critical point of building, we are deserting them right now until we have time to properly test them and determine if we need to return or exchange them.
Thursday 11/14/19 Make the Block Arm work!
Date: Thursday, November 14, 2019
Agenda: Finish build! Program, test and get ready for meet #1
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Connie and Kairon
Note Taker: Tristan
Tasks: Make the block arm work
Agenda: Finish build! Program, test and get ready for meet #1!
Reflection: We spent the meeting tightening screws and making adjustments to try to make the block arm function better and try to find the programming limits to make the programming work. We did not get a lot of time to test the arm or to practice driving. We have a plan for Autonomous but our programmers have not had a chance to test it yet since the arm is not functioning properly.
Agenda: Finish build! Program, test and get ready for meet #1
In Attendance: Coach Chad, Hayden, Sean, Liam, Tristan, Connie and Kairon
Note Taker: Tristan
Tasks: Make the block arm work
Agenda: Finish build! Program, test and get ready for meet #1!
Reflection: We spent the meeting tightening screws and making adjustments to try to make the block arm function better and try to find the programming limits to make the programming work. We did not get a lot of time to test the arm or to practice driving. We have a plan for Autonomous but our programmers have not had a chance to test it yet since the arm is not functioning properly.
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